Thursday 2 July 2020

A Influência Do Colagénio Hidrolisado Na Perda De Peso

Muitos americanos sofrem de excesso de peso e obesidade. Apesar de todos os seus esforços, eles têm dificuldade em perder peso. Isso levanta uma questão importante - será que colagénio hidrolisado ou suplementos de gelatina podem realmente fazer a diferença?
O colagénio, um componente proteico fibroso do osso natural, tendão, cartilagem e outros tecidos conjuntivos, provou ser útil para manter o cabelo e as unhas saudáveis. Produtos de colagénio hidrolisados também podem abrandar o processo de envelhecimento da pele humana, ajudar doentes com artrite, diminuir a perda muscular e aliviar a dor nas articulações. Também pode ajudar os "ditadores"? Apesar de muitas pessoas jurarem que começaram a perder peso mais facilmente depois de tomar suplementos de colagénio, neste momento, nenhum estudo clínico provou ser a norma.
O que sabemos até agora sobre colagénio hidrolisado e perda de peso?
• O colagénio usado nas fórmulas de perda de peso é semelhante ao tipo usado para cozinhar.
o colagénio utilizado em produtos geralmente provém de Bovinos, suínos e peixes. Os ossos e cartilagens destes animais são esmagados e embebidos em ácido clorídrico. Uma vez que a substância é decomposta, é desidratada para torná-la mais manejável.
alguns produtos de colagénio irão incorporar sumo de Aloe Vera, que é um laxante conhecido. Um corpo melhor funcional vai perder peso mais rápido.
os produtos de gelatina • podem ser comprados em forma líquida ou sólida.
os apoiantes do colagénio do & bull; notaram que tomar suplementos 3 horas antes da cama, e não comer nada durante esse período de tempo, irá amplificar os efeitos do colagénio durante o sono. O corpo irá criar mais massa muscular magra e queimar gordura em vez de carboidratos e proteínas.
Uma vez que nenhum estudo clínico confirmou os efeitos do colagénio hidrolisado na perda de peso, proceder com precaução. Em caso de dúvida, fale com o seu médico e veja o que recomenda. Suplementos naturais são bons para o corpo, pelo menos quando tomado como instruído.leia mais em colágeno hidrolisado

Joint Pain Relief - Herbal Medications

Aside from over-the-counter medications, there are also herbal alternatives that are best suited for joint pain relief. Herbal medicines have been tried and tested by the majority of cultures and countries and at times, deemed more effective compared to the chemically concocted drugs. The foremost advantage of using herbal medications is that they are considered safer to use, cheaper, and readily accessible. You might be surprised that solutions for your aching joints can be easily located in your kitchen, garden, or from local groceries.

Joint pain is considered natural for all individuals since its one of the side-effects of aging. All solutions therefore can only target the elimination or reduction of its inflammatory symptoms. Among the widely used herbs for joint pain include the following:

Ginger is a very common ingredient used in cooking, but a lot of people are not familiar with the healing benefits of this herb. Ginger can be used to help improve several throat and stomach problems through its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For joint pain relief, ginger works by inhibiting the production of leukotrienes, prostaglandin, and thromboxane, natural body chemicals that cause inflammation around the joints and other body parts that are injured. If you can't bear chewing or eating ginger on itself, it can be added to your regular drink like tea, warm beverages, etc.

White Willow Bark
Before aspirins came, the bark of white willow tree is already a standard in treating joint pains. White willow natively grows in Asia and parts of Europe. Its bark is known to contain salicin or acetylsalicylic acid, one of the active ingredients of most aspirin today. Compared to the regular aspirin tablets or capsules sold in the market, the white willow bark provides longer anti-inflammatory effects and don't produce irritating side-effects on the stomach. This herb can be bought in bark form which can be added to your drink, or in capsulated form.

Cayenne is a topical solution for the symptoms of arthritis or for joint pain relief. The herb is a type of pepper that produces heating effects when applied on the joints or the surface of the skin. Among its components is capsicum, one of the ingredients commonly used in the production of ointments, liniments, or topical cream solutions.

Turmeric is also one of the popular herbal medicines traditionally known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also termed as curcumin in several countries. The herb is effective in prevention and cure of certain conditions like arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis pain, and certain liver concerns.

Alfalfa Leaf
The leaf of the alfalfa plant is also effective for joint pain relief. Instead of inhibiting or counteracting the causes of inflammation, the leaf primarily ensures the health or provision of nutrition around the joints to prevent swelling and pain. The leaf can be prepared and taken together with your hot or cold beverages or regular drinks.

Cherry Juice or Extract
If you love eating fruits, why not try adding up cherry juice or extract in your diet if you suffer from chronic joint pains. Cherry is noted for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties by producing certain active alkaloids like anthrocyanadins. The fruit also contains antioxidants that help in reducing known toxins like nitric oxide that contribute to arthritic pain. Read more at flexuron.

The Benefits Of Plants

While many people understand the importance of plants in regards to the creation of oxygen through the photosynthesis process, there are many other benefits of vegetation that do not often come to mind when one thinks of or sees bushes, trees, shrubs and flowers. Not only does photosynthesis create life-sustaining oxygen, but it actually cleans the air as well; the best way to think about this process is like a filter, it is similar to one that people might attach to their water faucets. Just as people want to drink the cleanest water possible, the trees, shrubs and bushes that are scattered all over the landscape ensure that people breathe the cleanest air possible.

Beyond creating and cleaning the air, bushes and some varieties of flowers can be used for protection. When strategically placed in front of the windows around a home, would-be burglars are deterred from breaking in since wading through these bushes creates so much noise. Likewise, if rose bushes or thorny hedges are used, another layer of defense creates itself. Some of the best options for defensive hedges and bushes include blackberry, roses, cacti, Oregon grape holly, pyracantha and barberry. Read more on rattan sun lounger.

Another benefit of having greenery in one's life is that flowers and gardens can help promote a sense of peace and beauty. Tending to a garden can be a relaxing activity for many people, which allows them to have a quiet and introspective few moments in an otherwise hectic and noisy day. Even people who live in apartments and thereby do not have the space to build a full garden can have potted foliage or a small hanging garden in front of a window or on a balcony. Options are nearly limitless in regards to the types of flowers, shrubs and vegetation that can be used in a garden or in pots, giving people an enormous variety of aesthetically pleasing options for his or her home or yard.
One of the biggest advantages that plants bring to our lives is nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are an incredibly important staple in our diets. They have amazing qualities that not only ensure a full stomach but they also offer great antioxidant and cleansing properties as well as an inexpensive way to fulfill a person's nutritional and vitamin needs. Nuts and legumes like walnuts are known to be chock-full of protein but, as many do not know, they are also a good source of Omega-3 fats. Any citrus such as oranges, lemons or grapefruit offer unprecedented levels of vitamin C, which for the pirates out there will help fight against scurvy. Rather than having to read through and memorize a full list of fruits and vegetables, people would be best to just keep in mind that they all have something to offer that a bag of potato chips or a candy bar just cannot compete with.

It is quite amazing just how much flowers, trees, bushes and shrubs offer humankind. From paper to medicine to the air we breathe, the benefits of these silent life forms are a wonder to behold.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Joint pain

Ayurvedic (East Indian holistic medical system) perspective on joint pain relief using natural solutions.

Ayurveda treats musculo-skeletal problems holistically, taking into account the whole physiology, psychology and physical presentation of the person and the problem. The goal of the treatment is to restore homeostasis and to bring the person back to their natural psycho-physiological baseline or constitution. Read more at the flexuron website.

Joint pain relief treatment is based on bringing the disturbed Dosha (Energetic principles that govern all biological processes in the body - Vata, Pitta and Kapha respectively) back into a balanced state.
This is achieved by diet, lifestyle, Marma (Ayurvedic Acupressure) massage with herbal oils, use of herbal poultices, Nadi Svedan (herbal steam treatments), herbal oil dhara (oil dripping) treatment on the affected body parts, herbal formulations and Panchakarma (detoxification and rejuvenation therapies).

The focus is on opening up blockages in micro-channels of the injured tissues, to remove toxins or metabolic waste products from these tissues, to improve metabolic capacity of the injured tissue for proper uptake and assimilation of nutrients and to improve macro and micro digestion of the whole system.

Opening up of channels facilitates flow of Prana or Qi or energy. Prana is the cellular intelligence that controls proper movement and functioning of the whole system. Removal of blockages also allows for proper circulation at the micro-cellular level providing nutrition and removal of metabolic waste products. With right movement of Prana and circulation the tissue is given an optimal environment for recovery.
Joint pain relief assessment focuses on the affected Dhatu or tissue, the state of the Dosha, the type of pain, state of Agni (digestive fire or digestive/metabolic capacity of the system), presence of Ama (toxins) and functioning of the excretory systems. This detailed examination of the person allows an Ayurvedic practitioner to accurately determine the disturbance in the system and choose the appropriate therapies to treat the whole system.
In addition to looking at the location of pain, the cause of injury and the structures involved - joint, muscle, ligaments, tendons, etc., Ayurveda pays close attention to the type of pain one is suffering from. It classifies pain according to the Doshas and presence of Ama.
Types/nature of pain:
Vata type of pain is radiating, shooting, shifting, cutting, pulsating, moving, fluctuating, vague/confusing, comes and goes, worst at dawn or dusk, shivering, body can feel cold, person feels restless or anxious, creates insomnia, emotionally person might have fear or anxiety, standing creates pain, worst during Autumn season, worst with movement, feels better with heat, moisture and firm pressure.
Pitta pain is burning, pulling, sharp, inflammatory, fever, might have complaints of nausea and vomiting, irritability and anger, penetrating, worst at mid day and mid night, increased perspiration, body feels hot and with redness, flushed face, insomnia, perforation, diarrhea and vomiting, worst during summer season, aggravated by firm pressure or deep massage, feels better with cold.
Kapha pain is heavy, dull, deep, mild, aching, long standing, pain with stooping or bending over, chronic, worst early AM and PM, congestion in lungs, swelling, heaviness, able to sleep in pain, emotionally can feel depressed or lousy, generalized pain throughout the body, pain worst in spring season, lingering, worst in cold or damp weather, feels better with dry heat, deep massage and deep pressure relieves symptoms.
Ama or toxin related pain is heavy, dull, mild, aching, even the hair hurts, debilitating, generalized pain all over the body, pain varies according to Ama level, heavy coating on tongue, bad breath, deep pain, sluggish or sleepy, mental confusion, pain anytime and can be all the time, feeling drowsy and lousy. Feel better with ginger tea and fasting.
Joint pain relief for different pain presentations
For example, a Vata problem would present as a complaint of cracking, popping in the joint, feeling of instability or giving out, possibly muscle atrophy or wasting might be present, moving or shifting pain, pain is aggravated by movement and increased activity level, dry, cold or windy weather would aggravate these symptoms.
Symptoms are relieved by heat, massage with warm herbal oil or Sesame oil, rest, staying warm and avoiding movement and excessive activity. Nadi Svedan (herbal steam therapy) or warm herbal poultices can also be applied for join pain relief and to improve circulation/lymphatic flow to facilitate healing.
Use of herbal formulas like Yograj Guggulu and herbs like Ashwagandha, Tagar, Jatamamsi, Musta, Bala, etc. can be very beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation while strengthening the joint and local muscles.
Pitta related join pain would be treated with a Pitta pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on cool, soft, dry therapies reducing excess heat, sharp and penetrating qualities of Pitta.
Herbal formulations like Kaishore Guggulu, Gulwel Satva or herbs like Turmeric, Musta are good anti-inflammatories and pain relievers. Cold pack, Castor oil or herbal oil massage is recommended to relieve Pitta type of pain in the joint.
Kapha related pain would be treated with a Kapha pacifying diet and lifestyle. Emphasis of treatment is on warm, light, dry and mobile therapies to reduce the slow, congestive, cool and sluggish nature of Kapha.
Herbal formulations like Punarnavadi Guggulu, herbs like Punarnava, Musta, Ashwagandha, Shilajeet, etc. would be used to control swelling, heaviness or dull ache. Massage with herbal oils, application of dry heat and movement of the joint is recommended to relieve Kapha type of pain in the joint.
Ayurvedic treatments can be very effective in removing the specific cause of the problem and achieving lasting relief. This ancient medical system can help the body heal from within while bringing the person back to their natural state of wellbeing.
*This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your physician, physical therapist or medical practitioner before starting any exercise program or trying any of the herbal products/recommendations mentioned in this video/article. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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